A car without a driver has a lot of ideas and projects, so the struggle for market leadership is just beginning. The first prototypes of unmanned vehicles are already being tested, but without a human they can not cope.
Just imagine how good life would be if you had your own driver. It would be convenient to fit in your car, read a newspaper, flip through social networks or swear while being taken through the restless traffic. In the future, this is likely to be available to a significantly larger number of people. Travel with comfort, reliability and safety, less damage to the environment - all this is promised by unmanned vehicles. Autonomous or self-driving vehicles are a new fad, and not only in the auto industry, but many of its promises still look fantastic.
Moreover, the market is getting closer to the competition. Carriers such as Uber have repeatedly presented their work on unmanned vehicles.
How independent are "dr
All interested market players are already testing different machines that are somehow independent. The tests are conducted in California, Israel, China and Germany. So can individual drivers relax and drive while driving? Not yet - unmanned vehicles are still able to take on only some tasks from man. For example, some test specimens have learned to monitor "dead zones", stay in the lane or drive into parking lots. Although such partial automation is no longer a novelty - in premium-class cars, it has become commonplace.
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