Summer is my favorite time of the year. Summer holidays are the longest. This year I spent my summer holidays in the country. Most of the time I walked, cycled, spent time with my friends. When the weather was hot, we went to the river. In the evenings, I helped my mother water the beds in the garden. I liked my summer holidays very much.
Літо — моя улюблена пора року. Літні канікули найдовші. В цьому році я провів літні канікули в селі. Велику частину часу я гуляв, їздив на велосипеді, проводив час з друзями. Коли погода була спекотна, ми ходили на річку. Вечорами я допомагав мамі поливати грядки в саду. Мені дуже сподобалися мої літні канікули.
During quarantine, you cannot leave your home, even in order to receive a package or buy food.
If possible, each person living in the apartment should be in a separate room.
It is necessary to use separate dishes, personal hygiene products, linen and towels.
It is recommended to order products online or with the help of volunteers who help those in quarantine. Use personal protective equipment and disinfectants (mask, alcohol wipes).
It is important to regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.
You cannot go out into the street, even to throw away garbage. How to be? Invite volunteers, it can be someone you know, for example.
If a person violates home quarantine, then he will be placed in an infectious diseases hospital. Everyone who is in quarantine is monitored at home and the temperature is taken daily.