Maybe success is to have a lot of money! Perhaps. For some people it is measured in financial terms, by the amount of money they posses. In many professions it plays a very important role in such competitive spheres as sport, show business etc. Success at school is impotant to all students and for me too. There is one thing that worries me. While we are all madly trying to compete with some successful people, for example actors, singers, businessmen and others,the rest part of our life is passing by. People can`t work all days and nights long just earning money because we aren`t machines, we`re living beings. I think that it is when I pull myself up by my bootstraps when I make headway. I don`t want to make a name for myself. I think that success is when you love, because love is natural only for humans. Some people say that the sky is the limit, but the only opinion I have is that the biggest success is to be human!
How I spent my winter vacation ! Winter is a wonderful time of the year . I new year is celebrated with : mom and dad. January 2 , we went to ride the ice slide . My friends and I had fun and didn't even notice how time passed and we ran home . The next day came to visit us my sister and we played hide and seek with her brother and sister. On 4 January my parents went skating on the ice rink family and friends . So I realized how much I love My family and best friends . These were the best winter vacation .