The coldest time of the year is Winter, the time of blizzards and bitter frosts. At the same time, winter is a favorite time of the year for most. After all, winter is a time of fun and holidays, people meet the long-awaited New Year, Christmas, Old New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day and Valentine's Day. Winter brings joy to our homes.
Children are waiting for winter the most. After a gloomy autumn, they will have a lot of entertainment - sledding, ice skating and skiing, playing snowballs, making a snowman.
Winter is a wonderful time of the year, enchants with its beauty and landscapes. The snow cover is dazzling, reflecting sunlight, playing and shimmering like millions of diamonds. And in the evening, when the sun sinks over the horizon, everything around is shimmery with many colors.
The sun has already set, and a month is slowly sailing across the sky. The snow shone with silver light again. The stars light up in turn against the clear night sky. Looking around, it takes your breath away and marvel at the beauty of winter nature. As if you are in a winter fairy tale.
Each season is beautiful and unique in its own way, but still for me - Winter is my favorite season.
my parents work very interesting jobs, my mother is a designer, she makes images for models , my father is a businessman, he works in his personal office and makes reports, in general, my parents are very interesting people , they like to play sports on weekends and I love them very much!Объяснение:
мои родители работает очень интересно работами, моя мама дизайнер, она составляет образы моделям , мой папа бизнесмен , он работает в своем личном оффисе и делает отчеты , вообще мои родители очень интересные люди , они любят заниматься спортом в выходные и я их очень люблю!
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