№1.закончите предложение he used to live in 1)don't he 2)didn't he 3)wasn't he 4)did he №2. закончите предложение используя данные варианты when he the beach,he told the tourists what 1)reached,had happened 2)reached,was happening 3)reaches,happened 4)had reached,happened №3 распределите прилагательных в правильном порядке she bought a vase in the auction 1)ceramic,beautiful,black 2)black, ceramic,beautiful 3)ceramic,black,beautiful 4)beautiful,black,ceramic №4 найдите правильный ответ joe didn't play very well,and 1)neither did the others 2)neither do the others 3)so did the others 4)nor did the others №5 выберите правильные предложения 1)if i would have gone to london,i had seen alex 2)if i'm sleepy,i'll drink a cup of coffee 3)if i pass my exams,i'll be happy 4)if dogs could talk,they would tell some interesting stories
2. 1)
3. 4)
4. 1)
5. 2) 3)