Решить по книжкам полонская и плахотник,страница 9 6,із поданих букв правильно напиши слова до малюнків,прочитай слова у тому ж порядку,що й малюнки,слова arm.oby.odor.palm.ligr.gaft.рисунки дверь,флаг,лампа,карта,мальчик,девочка,
1) The food hasn't been delivered yet. 2) King Lear was written by Shakespeare. 3) Has the cases been put upstairs? 4) Has he been offered a better job? 5) The meeting had to be postponed by them because of illness. 6) Service is included into the bill 7) All the flights were cancelled because of fog. 8) I had been accused of stealing the money. 9) A new ring-road is being built round the city. 10) I didn’t realize that our conversation was being recorded by someone. 11) The date of the meeting will have been changed. 12) My shoes had been cleaned and my suit had been brushed. 13) This room is used by us only on special occasions. 14) Sarah has been offered a very good job. 15) The house was showed to the young people by the estate agent. 16) The gardener will be paid a lot of money. 17) An ancient temple has been discovered by archaeologists. 18) All these things will be put (by us) into boxes. 19) The best composition has been written by the youngest student in the class. 20) I am sent messages every day. Messages are sent me by the children every day.
1) Someone is helping her with the housework. She is being helped with the housework by someone. 2) The secretary was giving Mrs Jones some letters. Mrs. Jones was being given some letters by the secretary . 3) The traffic warden is now giving him a ticket for illegal parking. He is being given a ticket for illegal parking now by the traffic warden . 4) John will be giving Elizabeth that beautiful ring. That beautiful ring will be given (will be being given) Elizabeth by John. 5) We were teaching our students English and French. Our students were being taught English and French by us. 6) They are showing the tourists the sights of Athens. The tourists are being shown the sights of Athens by them . 7) They pay her an excellent salary. An excellent salary is paid her by them. 8) They paid the artist £1,000 for his painting. The artist was paid £1,000 for his painting by them . 9) They were asking you a lot of questions. A lot of questions were being asked you by them . 10) Someone’s going to send her some flowers. Some flowers are going to be sent her by someone.
flag, lamp, map, boy, girl