I have got a friendly family and we all like spending our free time together. In summer, if the weather is good, we usually go on a picnic to the river bank, where we swim, sunbathe and play ball games. In winter, the whole family goes to the rink to skate or we sometimes go skiing in the forest (if there is snow). When the weather is bad, we love to play board games, such as "Scrabble" and "Monopoly". And we all love going to the cinema together and have pizza after watching a film.
У меня дружная семья, и мы все любим проводить свободное время вместе. Летом, если погода хорошая, мы обычно отправляемся на пикник на берег речки, где купаемся, загораем и играем в игры с мячом. Зимой вся наша семья ходит на каток кататься на коньках, или иногда катаемся на лыжах в лесу (если есть снег). Когда погода плохая, мы любим играть в настольные игры, такие как «Эрудит» и «Монополия». А еще мы любим ходить в кино все вместе и есть пиццу после фильма.
What's up? You have such a voice!
-I need your advice! I have trouble, I offended my sister.
- Has he?
-No, I did not help her with math and she got 2, and that's why she took offense at me. How to be? Do you have such conflicts?
Yesterday, I played a computer, and I came to take it and asked to play, I did not give him a computer, and he was upset.
-Yes, we have similar problems.
-But I reassured him, just talked to him, you have no idea how comforting a usual conversation.
-And this is an idea. Thank you. I'll try to talk to her.
-OK, bye.