Придумала кое-какой ! Ещё напишу тебе русский перевод! Ресторан кстати, реально существует в Москве!
My favorite restaurant is Don Corleone. The institution is located in the historical center of the capital, in an old mansion of 1917. The restaurant is provided with various types, featuring different styles. The menu has European and Mediterranean cuisine. Seafood is selected directly by the cook, so they are always fresh and tasty. The restaurant arrives for an inexpensive and inexpensive business lunch, as well as for luxurious wedding, lighting and even karaoke equipment. Service is ok. There is a summer terrace.
Мой любимый ресторан - «Дон Корлеоне». Заведение находится в историческом центре столицы, в старинном особняке 1917 года. Ресторану предоставляются различные виды, отличающиеся разным стилевым оформлением. В меню есть европейская и средиземноморская кухня. Морепродукты подбираются непосредственно поваром, поэтому они всегда свежие и вкусные. В ресторане прибывают для проведения недорогого и недорогого делового обеда, а также для проведения роскошного свадебного, светового и даже караоке-оборудования. Обслуживание нормальное. Есть летняя терраса.
Choose the right answer.
1. Cameras… in this museum. b) can't be used
a) can't use
b) can't be used
c) can't be use
2. Not many houses _ _ (to build) in out city every year. a) are built
a) are built
b) is built
c) were built
3. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. a) was asked
a) was asked
b) am asked
c) will be asked
4. This bone _ (to give) to my dog tomorrow. c) will be given
a) was given
b) was give
c) will be given
5. Nick _ (to send) to Moscow next week. a) will be sent
a) will be sent
b) will be send
c) will send
6. The letter (to receive) last year. c) was recieved
a) is recieved
b) is recieve
c) was recieved
7. The magazine _ by the teenagers. a) should be read
a) should be read
b) should read
c) should to read
8. The jam (to make) from apples. b) was made
a) is made
b) was made
c) is make
9. People who help others b) must be admired
a) must admire
b) must be admired
c) must admired
10. The lilies of the valley smelt so a) sweet
a) sweet
b) sweetest
c) sweetly