4 1. Important / Навыки стрельбы очень важны для полицейского. 2. Happiest / Детство - самая счастливая пора жизни. 3. Oldest / Британский парламент - один из самых старых парламентов в мире. 4. Longer / Летом дни длиннее, чем ночи. 5. The most popular / Какой вид спорта самый популярный в России?
6. 1. Read / Этим летом я прочитал 5 книг. 2. Are held / Олимпийский игры проходят зимой. 3. Consists of / Сенат состоит из 100 сенаторов. 4. Is elected / Президента избирают. 5. Connects / Общественный транспорт соединяет района города.
1. Не was born in 1998. 2. We are students now. 3. We are good friends in our group. 4. It is an interesting book. 5. Who is absent today? 6. He is a student. 7. What is he? — He is a doctor. 8. These are my pencils. 9. Where is this book? — It is on the table. 10. What are their names? 11. Mary is a girl. 12. Who is he? 13. What are you? 14. This man is in the room. 15. How is she? 16. How are you? — I am fine. 17. How is your friend? 18. Is he your son? 19. Tomorrow we will be at home. 20. Are you a sportsman? 21. There is no book on the table. 22. It is my parents' car.
2 worry
3 sorry
4 all right
5 I was too busy
6 It doesn’t matter
7 I was I’ll
8 Never mind