Events of the picture begin in the same place where "Thor: Ragnarok" ended. The ship of the Asgardis is broken, almost all are dead. Thanos is trying to get Loki to give Tesseract, slowly squeezing Thor's head with the help of the Stone of Power (he has already destroyed the planet Xandar). Loki pulls time until the Hulk appears; Ebony Mou of the Black Order orders others not to intervene so that Thanos has fun. Thanos beats Hulk, Loki gives up and gives Tesseract. Thanos pulls out a Space Stone from Tesseract and inserts it into a Glove. Loki tries to fool him again and dies.Thanos wants to kill the Hulk, but Heimdal uses the power of Bevrest to send the Hulk to Earth, where he falls on Sanctum Sanorum, where Dr. Strange invited Tony Stark. As they talk, a giant ring appears in the sky above New York; heroes go to help people and encounter minions of Thanos. Iron Man gives battle to Kallu Obsidian, Doctor Strange loses the duel to Ebony owning telekinesis, and he is taken to the ship-ring. Bruce Banner after hitting Thanos can no longer turn into the Hulk.Peter Parker rides the bus that leads Stan Lee; he sees the ring, asks his friend to distract the rest of the passengers and hurries to the aid of Tony Stark; together they manage to drive off Calla Obsidian. Then Spider-Man tries to save Strange, but he does not come out, and eventually he finds himself on a ship that rises into space. Tony Stark sends an Iron Spider costume for Peter to save him and flies by himself.
The Guardians of the Galaxy pick up the Thor; Gamora mentions that she knows some big secret about Thanos that she will not tell anyone, and asks Peter Quill to kill her if she is suddenly forced to tell this secret to Thanos. The guards separate: Raccoon and Groot with Thor go to the gnomes for the Thunderbird, able to defeat Thanos, and the rest - to the Collector for another Stone.
Friendship is a very important part of people's lives.
If you want to be a good friend, you should understand and respect other people, be sociable and kind. And because of this, it is rather difficult to have a lot of friends.
You can have fun and interesting time with your friends. You can study, play, go for a walk and just talk with them; spend free (and not only free) time differently.
I have got five best friends. They are Masha, Sasha, Dasha, Vanya and Julia.
But people can't live without friends, because in this situation life become very boring and lonely.
True friends will always help you in a problem situation, and you can rely on them!
Trust, respect and kindness are the most important thigs for true friends.
Дружба играет важную роль в жизни людей.
Если ты хочешь быть хорошим другом, ты должен понимать и уважать других людей, быть общительным и добрым. И поэтому не очень просто иметь много друзей.
Ты можешь весело и интересно провести время с твоими друзьями. Ты можешь учиться, играть, гулять и просто разговаривать с ними; проводить свободное (и не только свободное) время.
У меня есть пять лучших друзей. Это Маша, Саша, Даша, Ваня и Юля.
Люди не могут жить без друзей. Без них их жизнь становится скучной и одинокой.
Настоящие друзья всегда тебе в сложной ситуации, ты можешь надеяться на них!
Доверие, уважение и доброта - самые важные качества для настоящих друзей.
A time you cheated
I'm going to talk about a time when I cheated in an exam, It happened when I was in secondary school. I used to have good marks, but one day on a history exam I was very nervous and I got in blank. I faked a throbbing pain in my stomach, I simulated I was going to vomit and inmediatelly the teacher gave me permission for go to the bathroom, I was thinking what to doand some minutes later he sent a classmate to care me, I thought: 'It's my oportunity!' , I guess the classmate the begining of the lesson but she was nervous too , and she wasn´t very helpfuly. Hopeless I returned to the class, and talked with the teacher, I told him the pain continue and he was kind and let me do the exam next day. I remember I was studying hard all the evening.
FInally I got a good mark, but It was a good lesson for non relied and always study hard.