1) I always try to help my mum about the house.
Я всегда стараюсь маме по дому.
2) In the morning I make my bed.
Утром я заправляю свою постель.
3) When we have meals, I help my mum to lay the table.
Когда мы собираемся есть, я маме накрывать на стол.
4) After meals I often (sometimes) wash the dishes.
После еды я часто (иногда) мою посуду.
5) Every week I tidy my room.
Каждую неделю я привожу в порядок свою комнату.
6) I often help my Mum to vacuum and wash the floor.
Я часто маме пылесосить и мыть пол.
7) I dust the furniture and water home plants.
Я вытираю пыль и поливаю домашние растения.
8) Sometimes I take the rubbish out or help my mum to cook.
Иногда я выношу мусор или маме готовить еду.
9) I go shopping with her on Fridays.
Я хожу с ней за покупками по пятницам.
10) I help my mum to change the bedclothes.
Я маме менять постельное белье.
Over half a billion people
A. have increased over the past two decades.
People who work longer hours are
D. work longer than normal every week.
Stress-related strokes and heart diseases
J. suffer from heart attacks every year
The group most at risk were
B. middle-aged men
Workers in Europe do not
F. suffer as much as those from Southeast Asia
Many diseases are also caused
L. by a bad diet and not enough sleep
The pandemic probably caused
I. more stress in the lives of many workers
Boundaries between work and private life fade
C. are afraid of losing their jobs
During the pandemic many workers
E. through increased working at home
Health officials suggest introducing
H. standards on working hours