First, I'm going to Tell you how it all started. Secondly, I will say why I like this hobby. Finally, I would like to talk about what I have achieved now. Okay, let's start with the first point. At the age of seven, I was enrolled in a music school. I studied for six years. It was from this moment that my love for musical instruments began. On the slide, you can see my photos from music school. I like to play musical instruments because it relaxes me. I like to play alone. And the best part is that it's absolutely free. At the moment I can play guitar and dombra, and now I'm studying classical guitar. In the future, I plan to learn to play the violin.
1. Most British people do not drink a lot of coffee, but a lot of tea is drunk everywhere in the country.
2. Most English housewives make Christmas puddings (the famous 'plum puddings'). These puddings are made several months before Christmas.
3. Englishmen love to eat roast beef. However, a lot of lamb is eaten in England, too.
4. Women sometimes wear a colourful tartan skirt called a 'kilt'. In Scotland, kilts are sometimes worn by men, too.
5. In Galicia in Spain people play an instrument called the 'gaita'. Similar instruments are called bagpipes in Scotland.
6. In North Wales many people speak Welsh. In the West of Scotland, Gaelic is spoken.
7. In the USA sportsmen hunt animals with guns. In Britain some animals (especially foxes) are huned with dogs but without guns.
8. People in Britain keep cage birds, such as canaries, as pets, but pigeons are kept only as racing birds.
9. On New Year's Eve in Britain, people often have parties and sing songs, and at midnight the famous Scottish song 'Auld Lang Syne' is sung by people everywhere.
1. Большинство британцев не пьют много кофе, но по всей стране пьют много чая.
2. Большинство английских хозяек готовят рождественские пудинги (знаменитые "сливовые пудинги"). Эти пудинги готовятся за несколько месяцев до Рождества.
3. Англичане любят есть ростбиф. Однако в Англии также едят много баранины.
4. Женщины иногда носят яркую клетчатую юбку, называемую "килт". В Шотландии килты иногда носят и мужчины.
5. В испанской Галисии люди играют на инструменте под названием "гайта". Подобные инструменты в Шотландии называются волынками.
6. В Северном Уэльсе многие люди говорят по-валлийски. На западе Шотландии говорят на гэльском языке.
7. В США спортсмены охотятся на животных с ружьями. В Британии на некоторых животных (особенно на лис) охотятся с собаками, но без ружей.
8. Люди в Британии держат птиц в клетках, таких как канарейки, в качестве домашних животных, но голубей держат только как почтовых птиц.
9. В канун Нового года в Британии люди часто устраивают вечеринки и поют песни, а в полночь знаменитую шотландскую песню "Auld Lang Syne" поют люди повсюду.