Great Britain is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and iconic landmarks. The country has a monarchy with the Queen as its head, adding to its unique charm. One of the most famous landmarks in Great Britain is the Big Ben, an iconic clock tower located in London. The country is also known for its diverse and vibrant cities like London, Edinburgh, and Manchester, which offer a mix of modernity and tradition.
In addition to its cities, Great Britain is famous for its picturesque countryside, with rolling green hills, charming villages, and stunning landscapes. The Lake District, Stonehenge, and the Scottish Highlands are just a few examples of the breathtaking natural beauty that can be found in the country.
Great Britain has a rich literary tradition, with renowned authors like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling hailing from its shores. The country's contributions to music, from The Beatles to Adele, have also left a lasting impact on the global music scene.
When it comes to sports, Great Britain is known for its passion for football, cricket, and rugby. The country has hosted prestigious sporting events like the Olympics and Wimbledon, attracting athletes and spectators from around the world.
As for whether I would like to visit Great Britain, the answer is yes! I would love to explore the historical sites, stroll through the charming streets of London, visit the beautiful countryside, and immerse myself in the vibrant culture and traditions of the country. The opportunity to experience British hospitality, indulge in traditional afternoon tea, and witness the changing of the guard would be a dream come true. Great Britain's fascinating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a destination that I would definitely love to visit.
1. Robert asked Henry to help him with that work. 2.He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup. 3.Mary asked her friend not to mention it to anybody. 4.He told us to come there the (next)/following day. 5.I told Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived. 6.Father told me not to stay there long. 7.My friend asked me to explain to him how to solve that problem. 8.The doctor asked Nick to open his mouth and show him his tongue. 9.The man told Kate not to be afraid of his dog. 10.The doctor told Pete not to go for a walk that day.
2 Упражнение. 1.He said to me that he was going to the theatre that night. 2.I said that I could give them my uncle's address . 3.Oleg said that his room was on the second floor. 4.Mike said that he had seen them in the house of his parents in the previous year. 5.She said that she didn't go to that shop very often. 6.The woman said that that man had spoken to her on the road. 7.The teacher told the class that they would discuss that subject the next day. 8.Mike said that they had bought those books that day. 9.She said that they would read that book in the 9th form. 10.The teacher said to me that I hadn't done my job well.
Аппаратные средства Что такое оборудование? Словарь Вебстера дает следующее определение Оборудование - механические, магнитные, электронные и электрические устройства составлении компьютерной системы. Компьютерная техника могут быть разделены на четыре категории: 1) аппаратного входа; 2) аппаратной обработки; 3) Оборудование для хранения; 4) выход оборудования. Целью ввода аппаратных средств является сбор данных и преобразование его в форму, пригодную для компьютерного процесса. Наиболее распространенным устройством ввода является клавиатура. Это очень похоже на пишущую машинку.Мышь ручное устройство, подключенное к компьютеру небольшим кабелем. Как мышь двигается по коврику для мыши, так курсор перемещается по экрану.Когда курсор достигает нужного места пользователь, как правило, нажимает кнопку мыши один или два раза, чтобы сигнализировать выбор меню или команду на компьютере. Другой тип входных аппаратных средств - это оптико-электронный сканер, который используется для ввода графики, а также набора символов. Микрофон и видео камера может быть также использованы для ввода данных в компьютер. Электронные камеры становятся очень популярными среди потребителей своей относительно низкой ценой и удобством.
Great Britain is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and iconic landmarks. The country has a monarchy with the Queen as its head, adding to its unique charm. One of the most famous landmarks in Great Britain is the Big Ben, an iconic clock tower located in London. The country is also known for its diverse and vibrant cities like London, Edinburgh, and Manchester, which offer a mix of modernity and tradition.
In addition to its cities, Great Britain is famous for its picturesque countryside, with rolling green hills, charming villages, and stunning landscapes. The Lake District, Stonehenge, and the Scottish Highlands are just a few examples of the breathtaking natural beauty that can be found in the country.
Great Britain has a rich literary tradition, with renowned authors like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling hailing from its shores. The country's contributions to music, from The Beatles to Adele, have also left a lasting impact on the global music scene.
When it comes to sports, Great Britain is known for its passion for football, cricket, and rugby. The country has hosted prestigious sporting events like the Olympics and Wimbledon, attracting athletes and spectators from around the world.
As for whether I would like to visit Great Britain, the answer is yes! I would love to explore the historical sites, stroll through the charming streets of London, visit the beautiful countryside, and immerse myself in the vibrant culture and traditions of the country. The opportunity to experience British hospitality, indulge in traditional afternoon tea, and witness the changing of the guard would be a dream come true. Great Britain's fascinating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a destination that I would definitely love to visit.