Ребята у меня больше нету. Написати міні твір по англійській "Моя улюблена пора року" напишіть про весну що весною все розцвітає весною не жарко і не холодно і т.д
Spring is a very beautiful season. At this time of the year, summer begins and winter ends. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Flowers bloom in this beautiful couple of years, spring is one of the four seasons. Spring is like the air is clear, the sky is clear.
But once I found some red apples in my hat. I I’ve never seen a cat with four ears. But once my little brother drew a cat with two legs. I’ve never heard a hot dog bark. But once I ate three big hot dogs. I’ve never heard a dog speak Spanish. But once I saw a dog at the circus who could count. I’ve never been to the moon. But once I spent the whole night in a cave. I’ve never eaten frog soup. But once I caught a big green frog. I’ve never danced with a butterfly. But once I performed the role of a butterfly.
Внесла кое-какие исправления, если что-то пропустила, напишите на русском я переделаю. This story happened during a beautiful summer day in Brazil. I had been in the city for 2 days then, but did not really have a chance to explore it. But on the first day I had a chance to meet Holly. The next morning I suddenly had a call from Holly. She was speaking loudly and I could hear she was very happy. ‘get ready, we are going to the Carnival!’, she said. In the evening we went into the city. The whole city has sinked in glitter, you could hear the typical samba music everywhere, people’s eyes were shining and everyone was smiling. The amount of people was unbelievable, I couldn’t even find Holly! But I was so excited to see the Carnival that I just stood there waiting for it to begin. The first thing I saw was giant moving figures. The Carnival is truly a real life fairytale created by the talent and imagination of designers and hundreds of thousands of Brazilians. They had been preparing for it for several months. There were dragons, breathing fire, the enigmatic Sphinx, pirate ships, Roman legionaries andcharacter from the fairy tales from all over the world. Suddenly I saw Holly standing on a platform of a white fire-breathing dragon. She saw me too and told me to climb up the platform. I ran over to Holly and she helped me to go on the platform. Our hearts were beating very fast, we were very happy. During that evening we were laughing, dancing, it felt like we were in a fairytale. I will never forget it.
Spring is a very beautiful season. At this time of the year, summer begins and winter ends. Spring is the most beautiful time of the year Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Flowers bloom in this beautiful couple of years, spring is one of the four seasons. Spring is like the air is clear, the sky is clear.
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