Alice in Wonderland was written in 1864, the year. The famous British mathematician Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Dodgson). Tale "Alice in Wonderland" is now in the list of 12 "most English fairy tales" and is very popular. Tale, which will soon celebrate a half-century, the common heritage of English literature. She still enjoys steady popularity, both in children and adults
Scene of a fairy tale world that hit Alice. The tale tells of a girl named Alice, who chases the White Rabbit through the meadow and see him disappear down the rabbit hole. Then, suddenly, Alice falls there herself, coming down in a strange, dreamlike tunnel and lands in a round hall with many doors. After passing a series of misadventures, Alice falls through a door into a wonderful fantasy called underground country. In this country, waiting for her amazing adventures, a lot of new friends and the most amazing discoveries. Particularly noteworthy are great characters. World famous Cheshire Cat grin that - the only way to talk to him, striking Hatter, the White Rabbit and the Blue Caterpillar, the March Hare and the Lizard Bill, finally, the Alice, easily rushing towards unthinkable fantasies - all these characters can not be remembered. The book is full of lots of adventures, surprises, humor and mystery.
I recommend this book to anyone, because Carroll creates an amazing world, whose name - children's imagination, and does it in all sincerity, without thinking through the second floor and not providing for hidden meanings. And that honesty is one of the major advantages of the book - "Alice in Wonderland" is not only fascinating, magical, unique, but still amazingly honest tale. Of this book is simply not possible not to come off for a second.
Well, it's difficult to say that I've got favourite insect. But, I can say that gnat is the most interesting insect I've ever seen.
First of all, I have to notice that this tiny insect can bring you a lot of inconveniences.
It can make a terrible noise. Which is very annoying.
Some people try to kill gnat when they hear this noise. Well, only agile person can do it.
because, it's very complicated to catch it. Moreover it's very bad. If you try to kill gnat, imagine that you are a gnat. And someone tryes to kill YOU. I consider that you stop doing it.
To conclude I'd like to say, that it's very complicate to say that gnat is my favourite insect, but I feel a pity to gnats.
1. Jacob meets his friends at the **bus** stop at half past eight.
2. Mario rides his **bike** in the park.
3. The **train** gets to the station at 9 pm.
4. Camila drives her **car** to work at 7 am. The roads are quiet then.
5. Marco is a **taxi** driver. He knows all the streets in the city really well.
6. Daniel likes sailing his **boat** on the river.
7. Mariana can fly a **plane**.
8. Oliver is a **coach** driver. He takes lots of people to visit different cities.
9. Emma catches the **tram** to work. There are always lots of people on it.
10. Jack uses public transport a lot because there is a **car** station near his house.