Hello! My name is (Ваше имя) and I want you to know about my ideal friend.
My best friend is (Имя лучшего друга) and he is my ideal friend.
He is someone who always with mе, especially in difficult situations.
Someone who doesn't care about themselves or material things.
My ideal friend protect me and help by councils or cheer up.
He likes to have fun. His good points this kindness, honesty and sincerity.
Don't know what I would do without him.
Здравствуйте! Меня зовут (Ваше имя), и я хочу, чтобы вы знали о моем идеальном друге.
Мой лучший друг (Имя лучшего друга), и он мой идеал друга.
Он тот, кто всегда со мной, особенно в сложных ситуациях.
Тот, кто не заботится о себе или материальных вещах.
Мой идеальный друг защитить меня и советами или поднимит настроение.
Он любит веселиться. Его достоинства этой доброта, честность и искренность.
Не знаю, что бы я делал без него.
2) Her mother said that she was working at the library.
3) My friend told me that he hadn't seen me for ages.
4) All said that he should solve the clues the next day.
5) He said there was nobody there to stop them.
6) The soldier said that they would find a place to lie up and added he was afraid they would kill them.
7) My friend told me that they had been waiting for me for ten minutes.
8) Jane said that she was all allright and nothing worried her.
9) Tom said he was busy then and he was doing his lessons.
10) The secretary told us that she wasn't there because she had just left the office.