James lives _in_ a small flat _in_ Cambridge.
He lives _with_ two other boys who are students _at_ Cambridge University. They work hard during the week, but _at_ weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house. They cook a meal _for_ their friends, and then they go out _to_ the pub _for_ a drink, or they stay _at_ home and listen _to_ music.
James has two jobs, _on_ Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays he works _in_ a hospital, where he helps to look _after_ children who are ill. He goes to the hospital _by_ bus. He starts _at_ ten o'clock and works until quarter _to_ five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works _at_ home. He has a word processor _in_ his bedroom and he writes stories. _In_ the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. _After_ dinner they look in the newspaper to see what's on TV or they talk _about_ their day. They usually go _to_ bed _at_ about midnight.
2.There was not a bicycle, Jake had taken it.
3. The children tried not to look at each, they had quarreled again.
4.One look at his face was enough.He had got the job.
5.She dances better now.Her brother had tought her probably.
6. When i got there, she had worked all night.
7.In fact it was hard to believe that she had married
8.He knew the girl since she had been a small child.
9.the patient had died by the time the doctor came.
10.All the garages had closed by the time we crossed the border.
11.When did you come to England?
12. Have you watched TV last night?