ответ:It was a beautiful day in the woods near the village of Montignac. The sky was blue, and autumn leaves covered the ground. Four friends strolled happily among the tall trees, telling stories of treasures that people had hidden in the forest.
2) As they were walking, one of the boys fell. When others ran to help him, they saw there was a hole in the ground. Could it be a tunnel with hidden treasures in it? The boys began to dig. try to make the hole bigger so that they can climb in and take a look. By this time, though, it was getting dark and they had no torch, so they decided to return early the next day.
3) They returned to the woods in front of the school. One after the other. the boys lit their torches and slid into a small, dark tunnel. After about ten minutes, the boy who was at the front released a loud choke. When he pointed his torch at the wall, everyone was amazed to see the walls covered with colorful drawings of horses, deer and oxen. The friends ran quickly to school and told their teacher all about their fantastic discovery. She named an expert who went immediately to investigate the paintings.
4) Later that day, their teacher asked that the boys stay after school. They thought they had done something wrong, but they were reduced when they saw their teacher's smiling face. An expert confirmed that the boys were the first modern humans to lay eyes on the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17,000 years old. They felt really proud.
Основные города ВеликобританииПлощадь Великобритании составляет 243 809 км², из них суша — 240 579 км², внутренние воды — 3230 км². По данным на 1993 год 10 % суши были покрыты лесом, 46 % использовались под пастбища, а ещё 25 % использовалось в земледелии[8]. Береговая линия имеет 17 820 км длины[9]. Южное побережье соединено с континентальной Европой через евротоннель длиной 50 км (из которых 38 км под водой). Это самый длинный подводный тоннель в мире[10]. Северная Ирландия имеет 360-тикилометровую сухопутную границу с Республикой Ирландия, и это единственная сухопутная граница Великобритании[3].Гринвичская обсерватория в Лондоне является местом прохождения нулевого меридиана. В целом, Великобритания расположена между северными широтами 49° и 61° и между 9° западной долготы и 2° восточной долготы.
The state is located in the British Isles ( Great Britain island , the north- eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands and archipelagos , including the Hebrides , Orkney and Shetland Islands , Anglesey, Arran, White ) in the Atlantic Ocean . Bordering the North , Irish , Celtic and Hebrides seas. South- east coast is only 35 km from the northern coast of France , which are separated by the English Channel . [3]
The main cities of Great BritainUK area is 243,809 km ², of which land - 240,579 km ², inland waters - 3230 km ². As of 1993 10 % of the land was covered by forest , 46 % used for pastures and another 25 % used in agriculture [8]. The coastline is 17,820 km in length [ 9]. The southern coast is connected with continental Europe via the Channel Tunnel length of 50 km ( 38 km of which is under water) . It is the longest underwater tunnel in the world . [10] Northern Ireland has 360 tikilometrovuyu land border with the Republic of Ireland , and is the only land border the UK [3].Greenwich Observatory in London is a place of passage of the prime meridian. In general, the United Kingdom is located between the northern latitudes of 49 ° and 61 ° and between 9 ° W and 2 ° east longitude.