2. How many fantasy languages did Tolkien create?
Tolkien created 11 fantasy languages.
3. Which war did he fight in?
He fight in the first world war.
4. Who did he marry?
He married on Edith Mary Tolkien
5. When did he marry her?
He married her in 1916
6. How many children did they have?
They had 2 children
7. When did Tolkien become a professor?
Tolkien became a professor in 1925
8. What did he begin writing in 1936?
He began writing the Hobbit in 1936
9. How long did he take to write 'The Lord of the Rings'?
12 years
10. When did Tolkien die?
He died in 1973
Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.
1) _in 1930, _in 1992, _in 2001
2) _in the summer, _in the winter
ответ: I. 1) in, in, in 2) in, in
С такими датами (в таком-то году) и с сезонами всегда употребляется предлог - in.
Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.
1) _at Christmas, _at Easter (праздники)
2) _in January, _in February (месяцы)
3) _on 1st May, _on 7th June (даты - такого-то числа)
ответ: II. 1) at, at 2) in, in 3) on, on
Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.
1) _at ten o'clock, _at 2.15 (время на часах)
2) _on Monday, _on Tuesday (в какой-то день недели)
3) _on Monday morning, _on Tuesday afternoon (часть дня недели)
4) _in the evening, _in summer (часть дня, время года)
ответ: lll. 1) at, at 2) on, on 3) on, on, 4) in, in
Прекрати доставать меня!
I refused to quit the classroom.
Я отказалась выйти/покинуть аудиторию.
I managed to get through to them.
Мне удалось дозвониться им.
Our new teacher can't manage us.
Наша новая учительница не может справится с нами.
The suspect couldn't prove his innocence.
Подозреваемый не смог доказать свою невиновность.
It proved to be the best film I 've ever watched,
Оказалось,это самый лучший фильм ,который я когда-то видел.