Dear Martin, Thanks a lot for your letter. It was great to hear from you! I'm so sorry to not answering you earlier. Oh, it's great to hear thet you help your parents around the house/ To tell you the truth, I rarely help my parents because I have a lot of homework every day. But every spring I wash windows/ I don't like it but sometimes it really fun. My favorite chore is sorting out wardrobes. I like it because you can find something interesting, old and unexpected thing. Have you found something interesting while cleaning out your garage? Was it fun? Anyway, I'd better go now/ My next trainning is in half an hour. Write soon, Lots of love, тве имя
In my opinion, the future is going to change the present cars. I think, that the cars will fly, because there will be too many of them on the roads. Also, cars will less pollute the enviroment, or won't at all. And, of course, they will be less dangerouse to drive, because they will be driven by auto-pilot.
По моему мнению, будущее изменит машины настоящего. Я думаю, что машины будут летать, так как их будет слишком много на дорогах. Также, машины будут меньше загрязнять окружающую среду или не будут вовсе. И, конечно же, они будут гораздо безопаснее, потому что будут управляться авто пилотом.
1. Are there fifty states in the USA?
2. Is the US washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west?
3. Are the Great Lakes in the north?
4. Is the US large country with many natural wonders?
5. Does the US have almost every kind of weather?