almost every person in the world has a computer. It is a very useful invention.especially the computer is indispensable in the Internet you can find a lot of useful information.for example, is there life on Mars or how many teeth have sharks.. Also it is very convenient to communicate with people who are far away from you. An email reaches to the recipient faster than a paper letter. Also, you can talk to your friends and family on Skype, to not only hear them but also see. the computer has many advantages, but do not forget that it may harm the eyes
2) Where is my key?
3) Where are my trousers?
4) How old is your grandmother?
5) What colour is his hair?
6) Am I much lower in these shoes?
7) Who is your favourite actor?
8) Why are you always late?
2. Вставте am, is are was или were
если подлежащее в ед. числе - was
если во мн. числе - were
1) Last year their son was 26, so he is 27 now.
2) Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it was old.
3) I am cold. Can I have something hot to drink?
4) I was hungry last night, so I had something to eat.
5) Where were you at 10 o'clock last Sunday morning?
6) I didn't buy those shoes. They were too expensive.
7) Why were you so tired yesterday?
8) We must go now. It is very late.
9) This time last year I was in England.
10) We were tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.
11) Anton Chekhov died in 1904. He was a famous Russian writer.
12) "Where are the dogs?" "I don't know. They were in the garden ten minuets ago."