vladimir vladimirovich putin - the president of russia
vladimir putin was born in leningrad on october 7, 1952.
in 1975, he graduated with a degree in law from leningrad state university. he later earned a ph.d. degree in economics.
after graduation, mr. putin was assigned to work in the kgb. from 1985 to 1990, he worked in east germany.
in 1990, he became assistant to the rector of leningrad state university responsible for international affairs.
his next position was an advisor to the chairman of the leningrad city council.
in june 1991, he became chairman of the st. petersburg city council's international relations committee and, starting with 1994, he combined this post with the position of first deputy chairman of the st. petersburg city government (first deputy mayor).
in august 1996, he was appointed deputy head of the president's administrative directorate (property management directorate).
in march 1997, he became deputy head of the executive office of the president (presidential administration) and head of the central supervision and inspections directorate.
in may 1998, he was promoted to first deputy head of the presidential administration.
in july 1998, he was appointed director of the federal security service and, as of march 1999, he combined this position with that of secretary of the security council.
in august 1999, he was appointed prime minister.
on december 31, 1999, he became acting president.
on march 26, 2000, he was elected president of russia and was inaugurated as president on may 7, 2000.
on march 14, 2004, he was elected president of russia for the second term.
speaks german and english.
married to lyudmila putina. they have two daughters: maria (1985), katerina(1986).
11. Допишите окончание разделительного вопроса: Don’t touch this book, will you? 12. Переведите предложение: Не волнуйтесь, я присмотрю за ребенком, пока вы на работе. Don’t worry, I’ll look after the child while you are at work 13. Преобразуйте подчеркнутую часть предложения, чтобы получилось причастие времени действительного залога: Having found the necessary papers he felt greatly relieved. 14. Поставьте необходимый предлог или послелог на месте пропуска: Are you getting off… at the next station? 15. Преобразуйте прилагательное “near”, чтобы оно имело значение “следующий по порядку”: Who is (near) the next one to answer? 16. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время: I wasn’t doing anything special when he called. 17. Передайте следующее предложение в косвенной речи: He said that he was going to a health resort the following day 18. Поставьте на месте пропуска местоимение, подходящее по смыслу: Behave yourselves, children! 19. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время, чтобы получилось условное предложение 3 типа: If we had left earlier, we would have caught the train. 20. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму страдательного залога: This painter is known all over the world.
Had washed, was watching
Eats, is eating
Has already been playing tennis