I love Summer holidays so much. Every year I go to different countries. This time at the beginning of summer, I went to Greese where I found out about many historical legends. In Greese I've visited archalogical excavations which called the Maze of the Minotaur. Every single day of summer I walked with my friends in the park, go to beaches. In the mornings, I rode a bicycle with my sister, through the streets of the city.It was so amazing and wonderful to be in another country and see their culture and traditions. I'm waiting the next Summer holidays from now on. That's all!
•bought, phoned - однократные действия •was reading (маркер while), were discussing (тот же маркер while) •were discussing (On the way home как маркер) •did you buy (однократное действие, в Pr.Cont этот глагол не используется) •were singing (описание атмосферы дня) •were you doing (событие происходившее в данное время) •came (однократное действие) (перевод на русский: Когда он ПРИШЕЛ в кинотеатр, фильмы уже закончился) •found (нашли места в определенный момент времени; в Pr.Cont. этот глагол не используется; маркер just as=while), was going down (из-за маркера just as=while) •released (маркер in 1996; этот глагол в Pr.Cont не употребляется)