I have a student - first and last name.
From the very first day of his visit to our school, I realized that this child is very capable. On the lessons never naughty, behave calmly answered in class, listened to me and not be distracted by idle talk peers. The years passed, two or three years, he has matured, become more intelligent, wrote essays and was active in school life and in sports, went to the Olympics, won prizes, this student was just the highlight of our school, years later, he graduated from high school and went to study at the university with his great knowledge. All were proud of and proud of, and I'm proud of him because this kid just gave me the most wonderful years of my life, while studying in my school and in my class. I am happy this and happy. All.
English etiquette is this embodiment of strictness andofficialness. Exactly in this country a concept was conceivedabout a "veritable gentleman". Only a gentleman in the thirdgeneration can carry the honoured rank "true". If, for example,you possess blameless manners, for you excellent education,but Your grand-dad ignored the rules of good tone, then, alas,in England you for anything are not acknowledged by a"veritable gentleman".
However etiquette of England приемлет the use of word"gentleman" for the estimation of level of breeding of man.you will show abysmal ignorance, if will use concepts"gentleman" / not "gentleman", "lady" / not "lady",characterizing people in England. Although, for example, inFrance the use of these concepts in speech is a norm.
Foreigners arriving with a visit to England often are simplystunned by the blameless culture of habitants of Misty Albion.English etiquette consists in the permanent display of suchinternalss, as politeness, correctness, imperturbability,
Did her daughter live in the country same years ago?
Did her daughter or her son live in the country same years ago?