I understand that the noble and time-consuming work of a teacher is not highly valued in he country, salaries are small, the environment at work is far from being favourable and the profession requires constant dedication.But I believe that doing things you love, and not just making a career, can bring excellent results.There is a lot of examples of the teachers who have become known for their work.I have read many books and watched a lot of movies about this fascinating, generous and interesting job. I think that the life of a society and a country as a whole, depend on the teachers, he quality of their work, their skills and commitment.
2) Если вы делите комнату, то напишите: "Yes, i share my room with(sister/brother(сестра/брат))".
3)I have got: bed, wardrobe, lamp and table where I study my home work.
I haven't got TV and computer.
There are toys in my room.
There isn't any food in my room.
4)Yes, my room is tidy(аккуратная, опрятная).
I clean it with my mom/ sister/brother.(если с кем-то делит комнату, то с сестрой или братом/если не делит, то с мамой или сама(myself).
I put rubish into trash can(Я ложу мусор в мусорку).
5)Что бы вы хотели поменять в вашей комнате(paint my wall(покрасить стену).
I have put my books near the bed.
We have repainted my floor(Поменяли полы).
My room was redecoreted last summer.
6)Yes, I love my room, because it is very big and beautyfull.
I can spend time with(если делит комнату, то с сестрой/братом, если не делит, то with myself or with my friends).
I like all in my room.