1. When she was in the Zoo? 2. Where did she go on Monday? 3. She was in the Zoo on Monday, wasn't she? 1. What did she do on Thursday? 2. When she was in the park? 3. She was ih the park on Thursday, wasn't she?
Взяла одну из моих любилых книг The call of the wild(можеш прочитать она не большая)
1. I want to tell you about my favourite book "The call of the wild".
2. The call of the wild book was writen by American author Jack London and published in 1903.
3. This book is about the hard life simple dog.
4. The main idea of the book is to show that suffering can't only humans.
5. Author wanted to show the complicated dogs life named Buck.
6. (очень странный вопрос)
7. (восновном в этой книге описывается одна собака об остальных очень мало)
Buck - He is a strong and powerful dog who is stealthily removed from his home and sold as a sled dog in the Arctic. He encounters many hardships and is forced to adapt to a rough and tough environment.
John Thornton - He is Buck's final owner and a devoted friend who has developed an amazingly close relationship with the dog.
8. Author often tells about the dogs brave.
9. According to the text Buck has found peace of mind. But more remarkable than this, the Yeehats tell of a Ghost Dog that runs at the head of the pack.
10. I can tell what if you were torn away from your home, your life, your family, and everything that was ever familiar to you, and got thrown into harsh, life threatening situations? In Jack London’s book “Call of the Wild”, it shows that anyone or thing can be taken from its surroundings and thrown into a world where it has to learn to survive.
11. First off I should say that London is a great writer. This is the first book I've read of his. His description of the Alaskan terrain is incredible. I have never been to Alaska but when I read this book I could picture it in my head very clearly.
Personally, I like that every now and then, and I really find the Gold Rush pretty interesting, so I enjoyed The Call of the Wild.
I love reviews because they always bring something sweet. But hard work to prepare for their arrival. Usually I begin to prepare for five hours before arrival. Well I do: clean the house, cook with mom ponds delicious, stylish dress wear, painted and waiting. but when I see that they go immediately ran to the door and warmth meet. May feel like home. A striking example of this holiday is the day of birth.
Я дуже люблю гостей, бо вони завжди приносять щось солоденьке. Але тяжка робота готуватися до їхнього приходу. Зазвичай готуватися я починаю за п'ять годин до приходу. Щож я роблю: прибираю в домі, готую з мамою смачні стави, стильно вдягаю сукню, фарбуюсь і чекаю. коли ж бачу що вони ідуть враз біжу до дверей і тепло зустрічаю. Хай почувають себе як вдома. Яскравим прикладом такого свята є день Народження.
К первому
1)when you were at the zoo?
2)you on monday was at the zoo?
3)where were you on monday ?
К о второму
1)where she was on thurzday
2)when she was at the park
3) извини третий незнаю