1. This is the house where I was born.
2. Do you remember the weekend when we went camping in the woods?
3. The woman who lives in that house is very rich.
1. built
2. cost
3. began
1.Henry gave his notebook to his teacher.
2. Irene moved to Germany in 2005.
3. They swam in the lake last sumer.
1. Are you going to the cinema tonight?
2. Bob is not working these days.
3. Kate is not seeing the dentist today.
1. The sun is shining.
2. She making.
3. I'm looking at that tree in the garden now.
1. These people are thought to be only interested in their appearance.
2. But surely no one wants to be really ugly; and no one wants to be plain either — that is to have rather simple face that can be easily forgotten.
3. It is more important to try to be an interesting person.
время. Перевод: в данном случае идет совместно со словом lost, т.е. заблудились.
время. Перевод: был/была/было.
время. Перевод: не (что-то).
время. Перевод: не (что-то).
5) We'll help. В этом случае будущее время, т.к. 'll-will, т.е. будущее время.
6) Agree-настоящее время. Перевод: согласен.
Всё остальное есть в таблице с неправильными глаголами.
время глагола можно определить по следующим признакам:
1) В конце стоит окончание (или суффикс) -ed.
2) Нужно просто знать неправильные глаголы.
Вот, я прикрепил таблицу, подучите. Тут только самые используемые.
Удачного изучения английского языка! :-D
P.s. Если чего-то не найдете, вот на всякий случай вторая таблица, она мне понравилась :-)
Probably every person thinks about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone wondered how his life will turn ... I think the man himself is the creator of his own happiness. And how do you live now, you think, act - depends on many things. It must always be confident, have a purpose in life, something to strive for. If all this is not, you have no life. It is foolish to live for nothing, wasting time on unnecessary you or others things, things, things. Everything must be in balance: the school, dancing, friends, relations with anyone or anything else. Examples are too much can lead to, but the essence is the same. In my case My dream - a successful choreographer in a large city with great prospects. Or psychologist with highly developed inner world. I do not want, after finishing school, immediately jump to marry, give birth to a bunch of kids and then sit to think, how to make people. I have no desire to sit at home in a flowered robe, wipe their noses children and complain that life is not held. So, now have to think about my future. Waste time, based only on the bad habits, watch TV for hours and hours ...
My career choice is made on the basis of what I have abilities and talents. Choreographer - is not easy as it seems. All jumps, turns, positions must not only know and do, but also by teaching it to others. And learn how to disciple proud then, he has taught a real man of the business. To get it, you need to be able to put yourself first be a friend, not a despot, that shapes the people under the stamp with the word "like everyone else, and you," each person is different and has its own ability to something else. And if they do not develop, and to live a gray life, then you have no right to call himself a man. Live as a ruler of the rules is to be conservative. I am not one of those, I'm an innovator. Future family as I see it. In respect of the family should prevail understanding, trust, love, I'm against matriarchy and patriarchy. With the person with whom you choose to spend the rest of their lives, should be equality. It is necessary to love, appreciate and respect. And it is correct to make a choice, think twice before you legalize the relationship. Not to go headlong to the registrar on the basis of only one of affection and mutual interests. Do not waste time searching, thinking that all of the best sorted out. True love comes of itself, one and all. Just not to think about it all the time, should be its proper individual life. And do not just exist, but to live it in full and the best sense of the word.Believe, expect, feel, act, and in any case, to be optimistic, to think that you will do it. And the result is good, yet striving to be better.