Нужно написать о проблеме друга и посоветовать как из неё выйти, ну например у друга проблемы с родителями, и нужно дать им совет как лучше поступить, желательно всё ана , все 35 ,
My friend has problems with a dream - she is a sleepwalker. I precisely don't know as to solve it, can descend probably to the doctor. I offered it but she refused. I iooked and much there found answers in the Internet.When the person fell asleep, to put to him under feet on a floor a wet rag, and so some nights, everything will pass, the main thing that this sleepwalker didn't suspect that at it at night under feet a rag.
Проблема странная сама придумала лунатизм вот перевод текста
У моей подруги есть проблемы со сном- она лунатик.Я точно не знаю как решить это, может наверное сходить врачу. Я ей предлагала но она отказалась. Я посмотрела ответы в интернете и много там нашла.Когда человек уснул, положить ему под ноги на пол мокрую тряпку, и так несколько ночей, все пройдет,главное, чтобы этот лунатик не подозревал, что у него ночью под ногами тряпка.
If you really wanna (want to) keep fit you should do sport and eat healthy food.
You should stop eating a lot of unhealthy food like fast food, sweets, crisps and stuff like that. The best things to keep fit or become thiner are brocсoli and oatmeal. You should eat more protein. The worst thing you can do ro become thiner is not eating at all because your body will try to take fat fron everything so after that diet you might become fatter and you can destroy your heakth. So the best thing, ad it was said in the begining - healthy food and sport.
I you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind of sport or another. I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. «You have a sound mind in a sound body» as the old Latin saying goes. The English proverb «Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind» expresses a similar idea but from different point of view. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. Then some aerobics for myself. It puts me into the fine moods. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful river with pure water where my Granny lives. In winter, it’s rather long at our place, I should say, I prefer skiing (There is nothing like the sight of a winter forest - a real fairy-tale). I like to ride the bike and toboganning in winter. Mum says that I’m to old to do it, why not after all? I shouldn’t call myself a sports fan. Of course , I like to watch sports competitions on TV . Fortunately , they show different ones - football , basketball . I like tennis tournaments very much . I think , it’s a very intelligent kind of sport for clever thinking people . Also I admire skiing championships , biathlon , swimming . But what I like most is basketball . The best games are viewed on TV. I came to know that modern basketball appeared in 1891 in the USA. The originator, John Naismith was a coach at the college. He invented the baskets and the rules of the game. Since then basketball has be become very popular and is spread all over the world. It is the sport of strong tall men, the sport of giants. Doing sports a man become strong, healthy and gay. He begins to take care of his health. «Good health is better than wealth», you know. It’s true, I should say. In our school we have a nice gym. Sports and games are popular among pupils. A lot of children train at special sport schools.
Проблема странная сама придумала лунатизм вот перевод текста
У моей подруги есть проблемы со сном- она лунатик.Я точно не знаю как решить это, может наверное сходить врачу. Я ей предлагала но она отказалась. Я посмотрела ответы в интернете и много там нашла.Когда человек уснул, положить ему под ноги на пол мокрую тряпку, и так несколько ночей, все пройдет,главное, чтобы этот лунатик не подозревал, что у него ночью под ногами тряпка.