Where is the maths lesson?
Is her name Linda?
John is in class 2 B.
You are 12 years old.
This id not a ruler.
Bill and Ann are friends.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun (general information about Mercury and other planets of the Solar System can be found in Appendix 1) - the average distance from the Sun is 57,909,176 km. However, the distance from the Sun to Mercury can vary from 46.08 to 68.86 million km. The distance of Mercury from the Earth is from 82 to 217 million km. The axis of Mercury is almost perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.
Due to the slight inclination of the axis of rotation of Mercury to the plane of its orbit, there are no noticeable seasonal changes on this planet. No Mercury and satellites.
Mercury is a small planet. Its mass makes up the twentieth part of the Earth’s mass, and its radius is 2.5 times smaller than the Earth’s.
Scientists believe that in the center of the planet is a large iron core - it accounts for 80% of the mass of the planet, and from above - the mantle of stone rocks.
For observations from Earth, Mercury is a difficult object, since it must always be observed against the background of the evening or morning dawn low above the horizon, and besides this, at this time the observer sees only half of his disk illuminated.
The first to investigate Mercury was the American space probe Mariner 10, which in 1974-1975. flew past the planet three times. The maximum convergence of this space probe with Mercury was 320 km.
The surface of the planet is similar to shriveled apple peel, it is dug up with cracks, hollows, mountain ranges, the highest of which reach 2-4 km, steep ledges-escarpes 2-3 km high and hundreds of kilometers long. In a number of regions of the planet, valleys and craterless plains are visible on the surface. The average density of the soil - 5.43 g / cm3.
In the studied hemisphere of Mercury there is the only flat place - the Plain of Heat. It is assumed that this is a frozen lava, pouring out of the depths after a collision with a giant asteroid about 4 billion years ago.
1)Where is the maths lesson?
2)Is her name Linda?
3)John is in class 2 B.
4)You are 12 years old.
5)This is not a ruler.
6)Bill and Ann are friends.