1. Every day my mother does a crossword. 2. My sister always does housework and does ironing. 3. Every morning my father makes breakfast for us and makes a cup of coffee for himself. 4. My grandmother likes to make dresses. 5. My grandfather usually makes wooden toys for children. 6. I do morning exercises every day.
Of course, i love to read a lot, so i have many favorite characters. but i will tell you only about one of them. it's harry potter. it is called the boy-who-lived. there once was a boy named harry, destined to be a star. his parents were killed by volan-de-mort. after this incident, he was left with a lightning scar. harry goes to hogwarts. meets ron and hermione. distribution hat identified him to gryffindor. soon he meets his godfather - sirius. but he dies, fighting with bellatrix ron break his wand, now ginny's gone and harry potter in mortal danger. tom riddle hides his snake harry found secret chamber. split your suol, to seven parts of a whole. at the end of the history lord volan-de-mort dies fron his own spell. hogwarts has been restored.
1. he will do english exercises if he doesn’t have other deals 2. if i don’t help him, he won’t do the test tomorrow 3. he won’t go to the library tonight (или this evening) 4. if he don’t go to the library he will be at home 5. we will be at home tomorrow 6. if we’re at home tomorrow we will watch this tv show 7. she won’t be home tomorrow 8. if she isn’t at home tomorrow please leave a note for her 9. the weather will be good tomorrow 10 if the weather’s good tomorrow we will leave the city (?) 11. when she comes to school she takes off the coat 12. when she will come to school, she will take off the coat 13. when he remembers this hilarious scene he starts laughing 15. i will come home at six o’clock 18. if she calls you ask her to give me the book 19. i will see Tom tomorrow
2. My sister always does housework and does ironing.
3. Every morning my father makes breakfast for us and makes a cup of coffee for himself.
4. My grandmother likes to make dresses.
5. My grandfather usually makes wooden toys for children.
6. I do morning exercises every day.