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02.04.2020 14:00 •  Английский язык

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It was a dark night, pouring down rain. Mr. Sam went out into the street and headed towards the grocery store...But oddly enough-it was closed,Mr. Sam glanced at the clock-time 9. much thinking he decided to head to a nearby eatery,to drink something strong,and for one and visit an old friend of Devil Crawshay whiskey not warmed Sam, and in a very bad mood, he went on ocean street to Develo the Krausz. Light in the window of a friend burned, even more upset Sam, but he decided not to give up and decisive step headed to Derio a couple of times and did not hear any response Sam was about to leave,when suddenly I heard a strange kind of terrifying crysal,though not distinguished by courage,grabbed the door handle and pushed the door votron was not locked...Sam entered the dark corridor, flipped the switch, but the light is not lit. He pulled out a lighter, appeared a small flame. In the small room, owned by his friend was empty, the window was open nastagio decided to explore the 2nd floor,but on the stairs stumbled upon something,lighting up a cigarette lighter he saw lying on the steps of the girl,turning her to face him,he realized that it was the wife of Devil and she martvastan fear was reflected in her open glass eyes...in my mind at Sam quickly swept the question "what to do next? if you report it to the police, then he may be suspected in murder...a strong alibi he has no...what to do?Little on reflection he decided to call a good friend of the police and wait for him on the spot. Arriving Floor is not immediately saw lying on the stairs woman. After hearing the story of a friend he offered to engage in private investigation,and about detected corpse until there is soobseniem wondered about a corpse can't tell, but what to do with the body? On the other hand - to report the corpse to incur suspicion...In such confusion he was never in my lifestill decided to report about the found body to the police,but anonymously,preliminary examining room,trying not to leave their otpechatkov the third floor he found on the windowsill torn sheet of paper,and on it was written "only Forgive the dead..."
Looking down he saw another body...Sam had no doubt that this was devil...But contrary to expectations Sam it was not devil...the story took an unexpected turn...lay on the floor with a stranger 30 years,in some strange dress that resembled a dark blue hoodie. what was expressed in the person of the victim is better not to describe the Study showed that the death was the result of severe beatings and large blood loss.
The corpse was identified . It was Martin Smith's best friend Devil .
however, Devil in the house had not been found . It announced in rozycki soon search results - devil was found in a local mental health clinic! It, according to the doctors, on the eve brought outfit Ambulance directly from the street where he muttered something inarticulate and rushed to passers-by. After the injections, not having collapsed into sleep, he often cried, trying to be freed from a straitjacket,"Oh, God, just not as"Sam suspect that there is something wrong...Is his friend involved in prestupleniy?Or no?He decided to hold its own rassledovanie started with a clinic where he lay his drugulin found nebylitsa This and decided that we have to poll the team that those that on the eve brought the Devil in the hospital, maybe they can shed some light on this complicated story. Yes and I need to know who caused the crew to the Devil?he interviewed doctors one said: what a girl called by the name of Sarah Wilson.
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I unexpectedly met my old friend Natalie at a metro station in Paris. I recognised her at once though we hadn’t seen each other for ten years. Now she works as a REPORTER for Le Figaro newspaper. Our FRIENDSHIP began when we were at school. After school, Natalie left Britain. French was her FAVOURITE subject and she went to university in Paris. Now she is a very SUCCESSFUL journalist. Her life is busy and exciting. I was LUCKY she managed to find some time for me. Natalie made my visit to Paris UNFORGETTABLE. She took me to the most interesting places in the city. In the evening we watched a performance at The Grand Opera House.

4,8(25 оценок)
Почему у тебя синие губы? Я ела чернику. -- Why do you have blue lips? I ate blueberries. 

Ты съел весь кекс? -- Have you eaten the whole muffin? 

Что вы делаете? Мы собираем яблоки. Сколько вы уже собрали? Мы собрали пять корзин. -- What are you doing? We are collecting apples. How many have you collected so far? We've collected five baskets. 

Я сегодня делала покупки и наконец нашла тебе летние туфли. - I was shopping today and have finally found summer shoes (или a pair of summer shoes) for you. 

Какой чудный запах.Бабушка варит варенье. -- What a wonderful smell. Grandma is making jam. 

Я полирую этот стол с самого завтрака. Я очень устала. -- I've been polishing this table since morning. I am very tired. 

Что ты делаешь в гараже так долго? Я накачиваю шины.Я уже накачал три. Ты можешь мне с четвёртой? - What have you been doing in the garage for so long? I am pumping the tires. I've pumped up three. Can you help me with the forth?

Ты знакома с Томом? Я знаю его целую вечность. Do you know Tom? I've known him forever. 

Почему вы так шумите? Я потерял ключ и пытаюсь разбудить жену, поэтому я бросаю камни в окно спальни. Вы бросаете камни не в то окно. Вы живёте в следующем доме. -- Why are you making so much noise? I've lost keys and trying to wake up my wife that's why (или so) I am throwing stones at the bedroom window. You are throwing stones at the wrong window. You live in the next house. 

Он только что продал две свои картины. Ему повезло. Мой муж рисует уже пять лет и ещё не продал ни одной картины. -- He has just sold two of his pictures( или paintings). He is lucky. My husband has been paining for five years and still hasn't sold a single painting/picture. 

Я всё утро занимаюсь домашней работой и ещё ничего не сделал. - I've been doing homework all morning and still haven't done anything. 

Почему вы не принесли мне письма? Вы их ещё не напечатали? - Why didn't you bring the letters to me? Haven't you typing them up yet? 

Мой муж собирает картины современных художников с тех пор, как мы поженились. Он уже собрал так много, что не знает, куда их повесить. - My husband have been collecting painting/pictures of modern artists since we've got married. He's collected so many of them that he doesn't know where to hang them. 
4,6(10 оценок)
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