Если не согласен It depends on which zoo they are different. When a bad zoo is bad, when a good zoo is good. Folding your opinion you should get rid of anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism of animals. For us, people, the cells are “prison”, this is “non-freedom” and this is a priori bad. But animals are not people. In nature, in general, there is no "freedom", it is a myth like the "pious savage" Rousseau. Under natural conditions, as a rule, the habitat of animals is limited to the territory sandwiched between the same territories of neighboring individuals, and when they try to cross their border, they will be attacked and possibly killed. For some small animals, their aviary in the zoo is many times more free and spacious than where they live in "nature". In many cases, the walls of the cage and the enclosures of the enclosures, they do not keep animals there, no, they protect animals from us here. Если согласен I think animals should not be in a zoo, but in their natural environment - nature. Because the zoo isolates animals from their original habitat.
My favorite place isn't town. It is a small island on the Volga river. I go there with my family in summer. There are many Islands on the Volga river. Why is this Island my favorite place? Well, I like it because there are no people. It is very quiet and green. There are some sea-gulls there. What do we do there? We have picnics, play badminton, swim a lot. We go by boat early in the morning, and come late in the evening. We enjoy our picnic very much.
Мое любимое место это не город. Это небольшой остров на реке Волга. Я езжу туда с моей семьей летом.
На реке Волга есть много островов. Почему этот остров мое любимое место? Ну, мне нравится потому что здесь нет людей. Тут очень тихо и зелено. Здесь есть несколько чаек. Что мы делаем там? Мы устраиваем пикники, игрем в бадминтон, много плаваем. Мы едем на лодке рано утром и приезжаем поздно вечером. Мы очень наслаждаемся нашим пикником.
Против. 1.When we use gadgets in school, we are distracted and do not listen to the teacher. 2. You can lose your phone, or someone can steal it. 3. The teacher can select the phone because you are distracted, and she or he will give it only to the parents. За 1. You can play at the break 2. When you forgot something you can call home and ask to bring. 3. You can see the time at the lesson.
Против 1.Когда мы используем гаджеты в школе мы отвлекаемся и не слушаем учителя. 2. Можно потерять телефон, или его может кто то украсть. 3. Учитель может отобрать телефон из-за того что ты отвлекаешься, и отдаст она или он его только родителям.
За 1. На перемене можно поиграть 2. Когда ты что то забыл можно позвонить домой и попросить принести. 3. Можно посмотреть время на уроке.
It depends on which zoo they are different. When a bad zoo is bad, when a good zoo is good. Folding your opinion you should get rid of anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism of animals. For us, people, the cells are “prison”, this is “non-freedom” and this is a priori bad. But animals are not people. In nature, in general, there is no "freedom", it is a myth like the "pious savage" Rousseau. Under natural conditions, as a rule, the habitat of animals is limited to the territory sandwiched between the same territories of neighboring individuals, and when they try to cross their border, they will be attacked and possibly killed. For some small animals, their aviary in the zoo is many times more free and spacious than where they live in "nature". In many cases, the walls of the cage and the enclosures of the enclosures, they do not keep animals there, no, they protect animals from us here.
Если согласен
I think animals should not be in a zoo, but in their natural environment - nature. Because the zoo isolates animals from their original habitat.