1. Имеются специально выделенные скамьи для правительства и для оппозиции в Палате лордов. 2. Кто-то должен присутствовать в качестве свидетеля, когда вы подписываете ваше завещание. 3. Сегодняшние газеты опубликовали что-то важное об изменениях в судебной системе США. 1. Are there any special benches for the Government and the Opposition in the House of Lords? 2. Should somebody be present as a witness when you sign your will? 3. Did today’s newspapers publish anything important about the changes in the judicial system of the USA? 1. There are no special benches for the Government and the Opposition in the House of Lords. 2. Nobody should be present as a witness when you sign your will. 3. Today’s newspapers did not publish anything important about the changes in the judicial system of the USA.
Present simple passive: 1. The office is cleaned twice a week. 2. Coca cola is produced in the USA 3. The letters are typed 4. Coffee is grown in Brazil 5. A lot of rice is eaten in India 6. Trees are planted in the garden 7. The window is broken by Jenny
Past simple passive 1. The "Mona Lisa" was painted by Leonardo da Vinci 2. This song was sung by the pop star 3. The house was built last year 4. This cake was baked by Mark 5. The party was organized by Helen 6. Some apples were brought to me 7. A new bicycle was given to Billy
что сделать что сделать?