My name is Aleksey and I'm a pupil of the fourth form. I study at the school number eight. I'm going to tell you about my school life. My school is rather old. It has got four floors. The classrooms are light and high. There are classrooms for all subjects: Maths, Geography, Russian, English, Nature Study, History, Handicraft and others. There is a computer class on the third floor. There is a large hall on the ground floor. Our school has got a gym and a sports ground. There isn't a swimming pool in our school,but I want it to be.
I go to school six times a week. I have a day off on Sunday. Classes in our school begin at eight o'clock. Usually we have four or five classes a day. I like Maths, English and Russian most of all. Usually I get good marks in these subjects.
A school year begins on the first of September and finishes in May. We have holidays four times a year. There are beautiful flowers in front of our school. There were fruit trees behind it five years ago.
After every lesson teachers give us hometask. I like going to school, because here I have many friends and kind teachers who can give new interesting information about the world.
I love my school, my class, my classmates, my teachers.
Все ловки и высоки.
Любят в мяч они играть
И в кольцо его кидать.
Мячик звонко бьет об пол,
Значит, это ...
Очень трудно быть, не спорьте,
Самым метким в этом спорте.
Просто мчаться по лыжне,
То под силу даже мне.
Сам попробуй бегать день,
А потом попасть в мишень,
Лежа навзничь, из винтовки.
Тут нельзя без тренировки!
А мишень тебе не слон.
Спорт зовётся ...биатлон