England is the part of Great Britain. Анлия является частью Великобретании.
The capital of England is London. Столица Англии - Лондон.
There are such interesting cities as Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, York, Chester, Oxford, and Cambridge. Там находятся такие интересные города как
Oxford and Cambridge are the home of oldest English universities. В Охфорде и Кебридже находятся старейшие английские университеты.
In Chester you can see about 5.000 exhibits. В Честере можно увидеть около 5000 выставок.
In Birmingham there is a great variety of industries. D Бирмингеме находится большое количество индустриальных предприятий.
There are a lot of interesting sights in England. В Англии много интересных достопримечательностей.
-Hello Christiano! Can I ask you some questions?Our readers want to know about your life.
-hello. ok.
-what do you like to do when you have free time?
-I like spending my time with my family.
-How do you spent this time?
-sometimes we make and have dinner together, we sit at home and watch TV or play games. Sometimes we go out to the cinema or cafe or to the restaurant.
-Do you have much free time?
-No. unfortunately. I train every day. Very often we play in another city or country. And I am far away from my family.
-What time do you get up and go to bed?
-it depends. Usually i get up very early and go to bed also very early. I must sleep 9 hours to be in a good form.
-Do you have a lot of friends?
-Yes I do.
-Do you like your profession.
-Yes I like it very much.
-thank you for you answers!
-you are welcome!