Te, вставьте его:
один раз. Если у вас есть одежда, которая все еще в хорошей форме, отдайте ее тому, кто
И.В. Прочтите текст еще раз и решите, верны ли предложения или нет.
Многоразовые пакеты более прочные. Если вы подготовите свой
нужны они, а не выбрасывать,
или не дано.
1. Перерабатывать алюминий снова и снова невозможно,
2. Пустые пластиковые бутылки намного легче переработать.
3. Пластиковые ящики можно использовать только один раз.
4. Автор предлагает брать определенные предметы в долг, а не покупать их.
5. Использованную одежду можно передавать в дар »
1. Portret - an image or description
of a person or a group of people that exist or existed in reality,
2. Landscape is a genre of fine art
in which the main subject of the image is the pristine nature or,
to one degree or another, nature transformed by man.
3. Still life is an image of inanimate objects in the visual arts,
in contrast to portrait, genre,
historical and landscape themes.
4. realistic paintings - an aesthetic and artistic position,
according to which the task of art is to depict reality as accurately and objectively as possible
5. abstract paintings - show the harmony between man and art,
create a certain harmonious combination of lines and color spots.
Is the tallest tower Guy's Tower?
What is the tallest tower?
Is the tallest or shortest tower Guy's Tower?
Guy's Tower isn't the tallest tower.
2. The Guy's Tower is 39 metres tall.
Is the Guy's Tower 39 metres tall?
How many meters is the Guy's Tower?
Is the Guy's Tower 39 or 49 metres tall?
The Guy's Tower isn't 49 metres tall.
3. The actors of Warwick Castle wear historical costumes.
Do the actors of Warwick Castle wear historical costumes?
Do the actors of Warwick Castle wear historical or modern costumes?
What costumes do the actors of Warwick Castle wear?
The actors of Warwick Castle don't wear historical costumes.