A responsible job, responsible parents; fast prosperity, business prosperity; urgent priority, highest priority; to realize a dream, a dream that is difficult to realize; land reform, democratic reform; top secret, top speed; basic knowledge, basic needs; content management system, moisture content; payment method, direct method; to computerize performance, to computerize translation; to create a web page, to create a videogame; a life-long friendship, life-long experience; modern electronics, to buy electronics; electronic calculations, electronic device; pillar box, marble pillar; foundation of the city, foundation of the university; implementation of the plan, implementation of dealing; blurred vision, field of vision.
4) Columbus was born in Italy but lived in Spain. Колумб родился в Италии, но жил в Испании. 2) The King and Queen of Spain sent Columbus on his famous voyage. Король и королева Испании отправили Колумба в его знаменитое путешествие. 1) Columbus was sure he could get to India if he sailed west. Колумб был уверен, что доплывёт до Индии, если поплывёт на запад. 3) Columbus made a lot of sea voyages before he sailed west. Колумб совершил много морских путешествий, прежде, чем поплыл на запад. 6) It took Columbus and his men three weeks to get to the new land. Колумбу и его людям понадобилось три недели, чтобы доплыть до новой земли. 5)The seamen met some people on the new island. На новой земле моряки встретили людей.