It's hard to imagine life without a computer. Whether it's our constant need to check email, the hours we spend browsing the Internet and checking social media, or a quest to master a video game, staring at a computer monitor has become a part of everyday life for many of us.
But if you're wondering why the days that you used to spend happily typing away at your keyboard have been replaced with bouts of unexplained headaches, you're not alone.
That's because time staring at your computer screen may be triggering headaches for reasons related to the following:
Excess illumination
Poor posture
Last month I wanted to make a present for my mother's birthday. I got up early in the morning and quietly went outside. I came to the bus stop to wait for the bus that would take me to the market. When's the bus came I didn't notice what number was written on it. So the bus took me to another part of the city where I have never been. I came out of the bus and looked around. There wasn't anybody nearby. Suddenly a little group of young boys came up to me. They asked me if I had any money in my pocket. I said «no» but they didn't believe me. Two of them were holding my hands and third one was checking my pockets. They took all my money and ran away. I was very afraid and didn't shout. I understood that I should go back home. But I didn't know how to do it without money. I went to the opposite side of the road and found a bus stop. I was going to wait for the bus but I didn't know how to pay for it. When the bus came and I got into it I explained the driver what happened to me. He felt pity and allowed to go for free. I picked some flowers in neighboring garden and presented it to my mom. Luckily she didn’t ever know what an adventure happened to me.
В месяце я хотел сделать подарок на день рождения моей матери. Я встал рано утром и тихо вышел на улицу. Я подошел к автобусной остановке, чтобы дождаться автобуса, который отвезет меня на рынок. Когда подошел автобус, я не заметила, какой на нем был написан номер. Так что автобус отвез меня в другую часть города, где я никогда не был. Я вышел из автобуса и огляделся. Поблизости никого не было. Вдруг ко мне подошла небольшая группа мальчишек. Они спросили, есть ли у меня деньги в кармане. Я сказал "нет", но они мне не поверили. Двое из них держали меня за руки, а третий проверял мои карманы. Они забрали все мои деньги и убежали. Я был очень напуган и не кричал. Я понял, что должен вернуться домой. Но я не знал, как это сделать без денег. Я перешел на противоположную сторону дороги и нашел автобусную остановку. Я собирался дождаться автобуса, но не знал, как за него заплатить. Когда подошел автобус и я сел в него, я объяснил водителю, что со мной случилось. Он почувствовал жалость и позволил уйти бесплатно. Я сорвала несколько цветов в соседнем саду и подарила их маме. К счастью, она никогда не знала, какое приключение случилось со мной.
Personal details
Date of birth: 30 July 1980
Nationality: Portuguese
Address: 365 Rua Boavista Lisbon
Education and qualifications
September 1991-June 1998 International school Singapore: “A” levels in Geography, Maths, and Business Studies.
July 1998- December 1998
Technical College Singapore: Computer course in HTML.
Work experience
January 2000-present
Bestsite: I desing websites for worldwide clients after discussing their needs.
January 1999-January 2000
Airtent: I designed and managed the company’s website.
Freeway Golf Supplies, Singapore:Shop assistant.
Computing: HTML.
Languages: Fluent Portuguese, English, and French. Working knowledge of German and Spanish.
Other: Advanced driving licence.
Golf and scuba diving.