Нужно написать рассказ (где-то предложений 10) о любом спорсмене на языке. только без переводчика мне надо! потому что переводчик ставит слова в неправильном порядке! : з
Vladislav Tretyak-a famous Russin hockey player. He was born in 1952 in Moskow. His father was a pilot, and his mother was a teacher of physical education. Vladislav since his childhood was engaged in sports-swimming, jumping into water, engaged in gymnastics and acrobatics. He came in to hockey under his mother's insistence. When Tretyak was 17, ha joind the adult competition CSKA played for the Soviet championship. The team, thanks the participation of the hockey player, 13 times became the champion in 16 maches. As a member of the USSR national team Tretyak became the winner of the Olimpics in 1972,1976 1984 and ten times he became a world champion. In 1984 Tretyak became a businessman.
1 Are the cooks in the kitchen? Yes, they are. No , they are not. 2 Are the waiters in the dining hall? Yes, they are. No ,they are not. 3 Are the tables set for dinner? Yes, they are. No ,they are not. 4 Is the watermelon juicy? Yes, it is. No it is not 5 Is the menu card on the table? Yes , it is. No it is not. 6 Is he a good waiter? Yes, he is. No he is not. 7 Are cigarettes on sale? Yes, they are. No they are not. 8 Are there any flowers on the table? Yes, there are. No there aren't. B) 1 Is the dining hall small? No, it is not. 2 Are the waiters in the dining hall now? No , they are not. 3 Are the tablecloths on the tables now? No , they are not. 4 Are menu cards on the table now? No , they are not. 5 Is steak on the menu today? No , it is not. 6 Is Mary a headwater ? No, she is not. 7 Are cigarettes on sale? No , they are not. 8 Are there any flowers on the table? No , there are not.
1. Was my father a worker many years ago? Yes, he was. 2. Is he an engineer now? No, he isn't. 3. Are these children little? Yes, they are. 4. Shall we be economists in some years? Yes, we shall. 5. Is your daughter very nice? Yes, she is. 6. Are they good boys? Yes, they are. 7. Am I a first year student? No, I am not. 8. Is our mother a teacher of English? No, she isn't. 9. Were we at home in the evening? Yes, we were. 10. Are you my best friend? Yes, you are. 11. Will it be warm tomorrow? No, it won't. 12. Was Het (если это имя, а не отпечатка) present at the conference yesterday? Yes, he was. 13. Will these boys be good sportsmen? Yes, they will. 14. Shall I be an engineer soon? Yes, I shall.
The team, thanks the participation of the hockey player, 13 times became the champion in 16 maches. As a member of the USSR national team Tretyak became the winner of the Olimpics in 1972,1976 1984 and ten times he became a world champion. In 1984 Tretyak became a businessman.