1. g
2. e
3. h
4. c
5. i
6. f
7. b
8. a
9. d
в варианте а скорее всего опечатка, так как правильно будет:
Pupils are working hard, aren't they?
Ученики усердно работают (учатся), не так ли?
Представленные вопросы называются tag questions, в них задаётся вопрос к первой части. Вторая часть чаще всего переводится как: не так ли, не правда ли и т.д.
Структура вопроса:
1 часть (утвердительная) + 2 часть (вопросительная).
Вопросительная часть по грамматике должна соответстовать утвержительной, то есть если первая часть в present simple, то и вторая должна быть в этом времени.
It is cold outside
перевод: на улице сейчас холодно
Составляем вторую часть, используя present simple.
Так как первая часть утвердительная, то вторая будет отрицательная (работает и наоборот)
It is cold outside, isn't it?
перевод: на улице холодно, не так ли?
In my opinion, leading a healthy lifestyle means eating healthy food and being physically active. If you want to stay healthy, you should go jogging several times a week or go to the gym. As for a healthy diet, you should eat more fruit and vegetables and avoid fast food. Personally, I will play basketball with my friends and have about 7 glasses of water every day.
In the future, on vacation, I want to go to the Russian city of Moscow. I think this vacation will be wonderful. After all, this is a beautiful and large country. And there are a lot of popular people there.
I want to do a lot of things on my vacation. For example, visit the "Red Square" or go to the entertainment center. I want to go there with my family. And I hope we have a good time.
2. The company has made big losses this year. Present Perfect, Active Voice
3. By 6 o’clock yesterday I had made several appointments with foreign
businessmen; had books seats on a plane to Rome for our specialists and
had discussed the programme of the Customer’s stay in Moscow with the
President. Past perfect, Active Voice
4. The President of the firm will be at the talks tomorrow. Future Simple, Active Voice
5. Does he often go abroad? Present Simple, Active Voice
6. Mr. Brown’s office is on the fourth floor. Present Simple, Passive Voice (не уверена)
I’ll tell him you’re coming. Future Simple, Active Voice
7. А lot of books are translated from English unto Russian every year. Present Simple, Passive Voice