1.Both students passed the test.
Обидва студента склали іспит.
2.You should look both ways when crossing the street.
Ти повинен подивитися в обидві сторони, коли переходиш дорогу.
3.I visited both / both of my brothers yesterday.
Я відвідала обох моїх братів вчора
4.My sisters are both good dancers.
Обидві мої сестри добре танцюють.
5.Mary is both young and beautiful.
Мері і молода, і красива.
1.Either dress suits you in its way.
Будь-яка з (двох) суконь тобі по-своєму йде.
2.Neither film was interesting.
Жоден з (двох) фільмів не був цікавий.
3.I did not like either of her Christmas presents.
Жоден з її різдвяних подарунків мені не сподобався.
4.Neither of my brothers can sing.
Жоден з моїх братів не вміє співати.
5.Neither of them has been to Paris.
Ніхто з них не був у Парижі.
2. what does your brother like for breakfast?
3. whom is she waiting for at the station?
4. when will they go to the cinema?
5. where did you stay in the country?
6. what has he done ?
7. what marks does your sister get in English?
8. where do you live?
9. where is the bus turning?
10. when will some children stay in town?
11. Whom have you written a letter?
12. What did she have at 6?