Дорогая Лиза,
Шлю привет из солнечной Мексики! Я отлично провожу время с семьёй. Мой младший брат купается целыми днями. Мне кажется, он скоро превратится в рыбу! Мама сейчас отдыхает, загорает на пляже. Папа говорит, что ему не надоест рыбачить. Сегодня днём я собираюсь нырнуть с аквалангом. Это будет захватывающее зрелище. Ты даже не представляешь, как здесь красиво! Как только приеду домой, сразу покажу тебе все фотографии. Надеюсь, ты дома весело проводишь время. Быть может, в следующем году свой отпуск ты проведешь вместе с нами.
С любовью,
1. You hear a young girl talking. What kind of family did her grandfather want?
A) a large family with three sisters
B) a family with five brothers
C) a family with some sisters and brothers
2 You hear somebody talking on the radio about modern families. How do most
children feel about their parents remarrying?
A) They like having many people in the family.
B) They have a lot of different problems.
C) They worry that their family is different.
3. You hear a young boy talking. What does he say about his cousins?
A) They are strange
B) They mean a lot to him
C) They are more important than brothers and sisters.
4. You hear a father talking to his daughter. Why is he talking to her
A) He thinks that their family is very boring.
B) He wants her to understand the importance of family.
C) He thinks she does not care about her family at all.
5. You hear a woman talking about her grandmother. How does she describe her?
A) She is the perfect grandmother.
B) She is warm but cold-hearted sometimes.
C) She is kind but hot-tempered.
The daily rate of fat for boxers is 2.0-2.1 g on 1 kg of weight. In the diet fats of animal origin must be at 80-85%. Along with these athletes need to get from food IS-20% vegetable fats in vegetable oils, etc.
The daily rate of carbohydrates makes 9,0-10,0 g on 1 kg of weight. In the diet boxer complex carbohydrates should make up 64%and simple - 36%. Eat a lot of sugar is not recommended.