В мое семье обязанности строго распределены и каждый с этим согласен. Мои родители работают. При этом мама еще готовит кушать и стирает. А папа выполняет мелкий ремонт, если что-то сломалось и нам с уроками. Моя старшая сестра моет полы и следит за нами, пока мамы и папы нет дома. А еще ходит в магазин. Младшая же протирает всегда пыль и маме накрывать на стол. Я же, гуляю с собакой и поливаю цветы. Еще в мои обязанности входит хорошая учеба. Иногда я выполнить сестре задания, которые задают в школе.
Это правильно я сам отправлял у меня 10б из 10 было
1 Hamlet wasn't written in the 17th century, was it?
Wasn't it written in the 17th century?
When wasn't it written?
What wasn't written in the 17th century?
Wasn't it written in the 17th or 18th century?
2 Many people think so, don't they?
Dogs are smarter than cats, aren't they?
Do many people think so?
Are dogs smarter than cats?
Who thinks so?
What animals are smarter than cats?
What do people think?
Do people think or disagree that dogs are smarter than cats?
3 They delivered it last week, didn't they?
Did they deliver it last week?
What did they deliver?
When did they deliver it?
What kind of equipment did they deliver?
Did they deliver the new or the old equipment?
4 She never keeps her promises, Does she?
Does she ever keep her promises?
How often doesn't she keep her promises?
Who never keeps his promises?
Does she never or seldom keep her promises?
5 Such kind of problems is quite typical, isn't it?
Is such kind of problems quite typical?
What is quite typical?
Is it rare or typical nowadays?
When is it typical?