1 The lawn was being mown by Mr. Gold
2 A seer tells the future
3 Molly has won a big prize
4 The miner finished his day
5 The man is being eaten by the monster
6 The footprints are being inspected by Mr. Hugh
7 The monkey waved goodbye
8 Gus has fallen asleep in his office
9 Mr Hull throw out his old PC
10 The manager took a rest in his office
11 Books were borrowed by John from the library
12 The door has been opened by the wind
13 A new planet was discovered by the scientist
14 An accident is being announced by the anchor
15 The pipes were being fixed by the plumber when i got home
I cannot imagine my life without books. They play a very important role in my life.
Books are my friends; they help my character and worldview. Books help us in self-education and solving life problems. They make my life more interesting.
I read them for both knowledge and pleasure, and they help me with my lessons.
Personally, I prefer to read adventure stories, full of interesting real facts and pictures, and detective stories.I think that I cannot imagine my life without films. This is the fastest way to learn something new.
When I come home from school, I play the movie, leave it on, and do my household chores. So I'm actually doing two things at the same time. There are different types of films, for example: nature film, war film, crime film, travel film, adventure film, music film and comic book. Personally, I like to watch fantastic movies. My favorite is Harry Potter. Flames are a great way to relax.
2 were leaving - Past Cont, активный, didn't want - Past Simple активный. Они уезжали в Лондон в 3 часа и не хотели опоздать.
3 will be writing - Future Cont, активный. Сегодня в 4 часа она будет писать письма друзьям.
4 has been- Present Perfect, активный. В последнее время наблюдается значительное расширение в использовании данного метода.
5 had experienced - Past Perfect, активный.
6 will have read - Future Perfect, активный. К началу семестра я прочту все книги из списка.
7 is extracted - Present Simple, пассивный. Железо получают из каменистого материала, который называется железная руда.
8 was completed - Past Simple, пассивный. Строительство Панамского канала было закончено в 1914 году
9 should be protected - Present Simple, пассивный (should - модальный глагол). Техники должны быть защищены от чрезмерной радиации
10 is being examined - Present Cont, пассивный. Профессор принимает экзамен у нашей группы.