17. The dinosaur is extinct species that died out over 60 million years ago.
18. Roswell by thousands of tourists each year.
is visited
19. Tom and Larry really enjoyed at the music festival last week.
20. David made the skeleton sculpture by .
21. The alien photographs examined by experts now.
are being
22. Why don’t we visit Tower of London?
23. The new museum will be opened the Mayor.
24. John works as an usher at Theatre Royal in London.
25. A new space centre built soon.
will be
26. Don’t forget to book the tickets, ?
will you?
27. Let me introduce ; I’m Bill Evans.
28. Let’s go on a ghost tour, ?
shall we?
29. The strange creature caught yet.
hasn't been
Улица была такой узкой, что я смог проехать только на мотоцикле. - The street was so narrow that I could get there only by my motobike.
Этот переулок связывает нашу улицу с проспектом Шекспира. - This lane joins our street with Shakespeare's prospect.
Мой дом окружен прекрасным садом с яблоневыми деревьями. - My house is surrounded by a beautiful garden with apple trees.
Наша область имеет границу с другой страной. - Our region has got a border with another country.