In Russia schooling begins at the (1) age of six or seven. In most schoolsparents do not (2) pay for their children. These state schools are (3) free .Secondary (4) education begins at the age of ten. Secondary school pupils dodifferent (5) subjects: Russian, maths, Russian literature, physics, art,music, modern languages — English, French or German. Classes are notvery long — about forty-five minutes. In most schools pupils have towear (6) uniforms. They are of different colours. Girls usually wear skirts,blouses and jackets, boys usually wear suits and shirts.Pupils go to school five or six days a week. If they have classes on Saturdays, they usually have five lessons every day, sometimes six. Classesstart at half past eight in the morning. There are ten or fifteen minute(7) breaks after every lesson and a longer lunch (8) break . Classes are overat two or three o’clock in the afternoon.The Russian school year usually has three or four (9) tems. School-children have holidays in all the seasons — in autumn, winter, springand summer. The summer holidays are the longest.
In Russia schooling begins at the (1) age of six or seven. In most schoolsparents do not (2) pay for their children. These state schools are (3) free .Secondary (4) education begins at the age of ten. Secondary school pupils dodifferent (5) subjects: Russian, maths, Russian literature, physics, art,music, modern languages — English, French or German. Classes are notvery long — about forty-five minutes. In most schools pupils have towear (6) uniforms. They are of different colours. Girls usually wear skirts,blouses and jackets, boys usually wear suits and shirts.Pupils go to school five or six days a week. If they have classes on Saturdays, they usually have five lessons every day, sometimes six. Classesstart at half past eight in the morning. There are ten or fifteen minute(7) breaks after every lesson and a longer lunch (8) break . Classes are overat two or three o’clock in the afternoon.The Russian school year usually has three or four (9) tems. School-children have holidays in all the seasons — in autumn, winter, springand summer. The summer holidays are the longest.
My mom told me that she accepted my appologies. - Мама сказала, что принимает мои извинения.
Your proposal is accepted - Ваше предложение принято
Everyone came to the stadium except for Mark - На стадион пришли все. кроме Марка.
I like all kinds of vegetables except for tomatoes. - Я люблю все овощи кроме помидоров