Although I do not like learning, school-source znaniy.Bez secondary education did not enroll in an institution of higher education, and therefore did not find a good school rabotu.V I have many friends and enjoy znakomyh.Mne teachers (subjects) .Mne like (objects). The school has many pros and cons, while I'm in school, I notice there are many disadvantages, for example the fact that you need every day to do your homework, you must get up early, but when I was released from the school and will do in any higher institution, I might understand that the school is not so ploho.Ne whether schools, I would not be able to properly express their thoughts, many schools helps zhizni.Potomu Thu about in school we learn to read, write, count and solve problems knowledge of physics and chemistry, not too little vazhny.Inostrannye languages are needed so that we can communicate with people from other countries.
Overall I feel about school more neutral than negative.
1. We go ) to the seaside every summer. 2. Listen ! Somebody is knocking ) on the door. 3. How often do you wash your dog ? 4. She can’t come to the phone. She is to washing her hair . 5. Where is ) Kate ? She usually sits ) in the front row. I (don’t ) why she is sitting ( here now. 6. Please, be quiet ! The baby is sleeping ). 7. What are you laughing at ? 8. The country-side is wonderful especially when it snows . 9. Why are you (to smoking here ? - And where do people usually smoke) in this building ?
2. June, July, August
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It is usually games. I can swim and play football. I like football