When burying and burning garbage in landfills, many harmful substances enter the ground and air, which subsequently affect the state of the environment and human health. By recycling waste, air, land, water and soil pollution is reduced Natural resources for fuel extraction are massively depleted. Constant felling of trees causes serious harm to the environment, therefore, the production of new generation energy using waste recycling technology significantly saves natural resources. Waste recycling will create fuel briquettes, with the help of which it is possible to partially or fully provide their own production.
Solid fuel is increasingly used to generate heat and other types of energy The use of fuel briquettes will reduce the use of firewood, which in turn will reduce the constant deforestation. Reducing the level of industrial and municipal waste in the city, reducing landfills, receiving dividends for waste processing.
Waste fuel briquettes are not inferior to other types of alternative energy, they have high combustion efficiency, they are convenient to store and transport
Minimal environmental impact during combustion compared to conventional solid fuels at the same heating value
You will receive free fuel for your business if you produce your own fuel briquettes
You can earn by selling fuel briquettes to other industrial companies in need of alternative energy
You will be able to earn by recycling industrial waste from other enterprises The history of human struggle with unnecessary waste, both food and non-food, began from time immemorial. One of the first means, which was proposed as a fairly effective method of waste disposal, is their burial in specially designated landfills.
This method has been used in our country for many years, it has long become familiar and convenient. However, the world does not stand still, everything around develops and changes. At the same time, the view on how to deal with unnecessary waste is changing. To what extent is the method of burial at landfills relevant and beneficial both from the financial side and from the side of the ecological balance of our planet? Let's see, if such a method is popular, then it has enough advantages, it makes sense, right? So, the advantages of waste disposal at landfills:
minimum financial costs - a long-established mechanism for collecting garbage from the population is quite economical at first glance;
minimum time costs (city residents threw garbage in the trash can, a car arrived and took the garbage to the landfill);
convenient - ordinary citizens do not need to collect, sort, carry anything, employees just need to do their usual work;
usual - this item is suitable for everyone who finds themselves in the chain of garbage disposal by burial at landfills, so simply do the usual - “it came from the ground, it will go to the ground”. at each stage you will need human resources and expensive equipment and machinery. But! Even having spent time collecting, sorting and recycling waste, financially we will still be in the black, since in fact we will make money out of nothing, out of garbage. The same applies to the cost of all the necessary equipment, which will pay for itself in a short period of time, so why give up such an undertaking, especially since it is financially beneficial? It is difficult to answer this question, but in recent years we can observe a tendency for the development of the waste processing industry in our country, and this is encouraging. After all, we live on this planet, eat its crops and drink its water. Unfortunately, the disposal of waste at landfills significantly degrades the quality of all natural resources and it turns out that we are poisoning our own lives with our own hands, instead of making it of the highest quality.
She works in a hospital (Она работает в больнице
He is a doctor in a military hospital Он врач в военном госпитале
We have 2 apples and 4 oranges У нас есть 2 яблока и 4 апельсина
I sell Christmas trees every year Я продаю елки каждый год
They do sport every evening Они занимаются спортом каждый вечер
He doesn't work in an office Он не работает в офисе
I don't know what to write Я не знаю, что написать
John doesn't play football at weekends Джон не играет в футбол по выходным
We don't speak Japanese and Russian Мы не говорим на японском и
русском языках
My friends don't go hunting Мои друзья не ходят на охоту
Do you like cheese or milk? Вам нравится сыр или молоко?
Who likes to write? Кто любит писать?
Monica likes to swim, doesn't she? Монике нравится плавать, не так ли?
Why don't you help her? Почему бы вам не ей?
Does she really think she is always win? Неужели она действительно думает, что она всегда побеждает?