The night before The new year is a real fairy tale. It is at this moment that the most unusual and mysterious things can happen. Because this holiday is so loved by many people. All prepare, dress up a Christmas tree, buy products and gifts. On this day, all together with family. Often it is on New year's eve that you can see those friends and family who live in other cities, because this celebration is an occasion to meet, tell each other how their lives are going, and just have fun together. In this holiday the most cherished dreams come true.
2. Give the teddy to Daddy – ВЕРНО (не уверена: Отдай мишку папе или Не отдавай мишку папе)
3. Eat your soup – ВЕРНО
4. Eat the book - Don't eat the book.
5. Wash your hands – ВЕРНО
6. Wash the carpet - Don't wash the carpet
7. Look at me – ВЕРНО
8. Watch the news – Don't watch the news. (не уверена: Смотри новости или Не смотри новости)
9. Watch the Winnie-the-Pooh cartoon - ВЕРНО 10. Go for a walk alone – Don't go for a walk alone.
11. Tidy up Mummy's things – Don't tidy up Mummy's things. 12. Run away – Don't run away.
13. Say hello to Uncle - ВЕРНО