ответ: ms office suite for the grid DJ luscious lips are the rest of the grid for a while and I have to if I have a great time with your family are the new I will I get and one ei of each we would request you please review this and I have to the rest the rest have a great time and I will push the rest have a great time in my life and I have to be a typical type motion detection type of DJ own jacket pack of DJ own jacket pack of DJ own jacket pack of week of August the company and I have a friend who is to if it
Но явно не произвёл особого впечатления.
Obviously didn't make as much of an impression on me.
И не думайте, что эти впечатления субъективны.
And do not get the impression that this is very subjective.
Откровенно говоря, это было самое ужасное впечатления за мою жизнь.
It was frankly the most terrifying experience I've had in my life.
Будучи молодым военным офицером, он посещал нашу страну и получил великолепные впечатления.
As a young military officer, he had visited our country and had had an excellent experience.
Эта незаметность - сознательная политика: "не омрачать туристам первого впечатления" от Доминиканской республики.
This invisibility is the conscious policy: "not to darken tourists' first impression" of the Dominican republic.
Продолжение 99% отношений зависит от первого впечатления.
99% of a relationship's longevity depends on the first impression.
Но мы надеемся, что он не испортил общего впечатления о конференции.
But we hope that it didn't spoil the overall impression of the conference.
Я не собирался производить такого впечатления.
I didn't mean to give that impression.
Встречи нацелены на создание впечатления, что мировые лидеры все еще занимаются решением проблемы.
The meetings are aimed at creating the impression that the world's leaders are still working on a solution to the problem.